THE BIRTH. I remember being a soft egg inside The Mother’s womb. And my surface been attacked by masculine force, the white arrows showed no remorse. The one who got in was the Capricorn. No wonder, he probed the membrane with the sharp horns. I was shining bright like the Sun and didn’t know my Shadow till then. The contraction, lower belly pain, it meant he got in. The brutal approach of Divine Masculine.
THE SERPENT APPROACHES. ‘Satan, disguised as a Serpent, approaches Eve in a glade of light’, Milton wrote in ‘Paradise Lost’. ‘His head crested aloft, and carbuncle his eyes; with burnish’d neck of verdant gold, erect’. (Book 9, lines 499-501). Whenever there’s birth from flesh, there’s presence of Serpent. Birth from flesh is birth from physical lovemaking act, that is governed by Venus, which is the second planet from the Sun, a morning star and the evening star. The Greeks called the morning star ‘the bringer of Light’. In classic mythology, Lucifer (‘Light-bringer’ in Latin) was the name of planet Venus. Light is defined as life, as seen in John 1:4, ‘In Him was life; and the life was the light of men’. Those have faith through Him will have eternal life. This ‘life’ is a gift Jesus brought from God into a dying world. So it follows that Jesus and Lucifer both were light-bringers. Prometheus was also a light bearer. The question, how many light-bringers it takes to change the lightbulb?
THE PRIMORDIAL EGG.The Light attracts the ones that wish to feed on it. Usually this process of taking the energetic resources is hidden in deception, lies and manipulation through Mind Control. Energy vampire, the parasite, benefits at the expense of the others. They survive through Consumptive Modeling- taking, stealing, superimposing or using of another's energetic resources or life force for one's personal use, personal gain or to build upon in the Law of Structure which is enforced by the False King of Tyranny or False Gods. This is the model used by the Negative Aliens that has been inherited into the current culture. Energetic parasites can be from the result of energy blockages in areas of the etheric double or ka battery body. All outward disease patterns in the physical body are at the core causation level a malfunction of energy flow in its blueprint. When one’s emotional body and loving heart is left unhealed, the higher energy centers shut down blocking life force circulation into the layers of the body. As a result of these blockages, many people become a slave to the lower instinctual bodies as they try to gain back energy they lost. Operating the body from lower instincts means that person is governed by the external world and their false archetypal ego perceptions. From this state of being, the main controlling center governing the body is the sacral energy center which over time when continually abused though destructive habits, lead to addiction. If the emotional body, heart and soul is left unhealed, further imbalances of energy distortions will impact the psychological body, such as phobias, OCD, psychopathy, sexual perversions, and addiction to the material world, objects and other people. Without the healed heart and sensitive emotional body, people become cruel and disconnected which leads to spiritual attachments and possessions, which also lead to parasitic infestation of the lightbody.
BUTTERFLY NEBULA. There’s also a shadow aspect of the butterfly. Shadow is actually not dark, it is transparent, yet for our human perception it is easier understand it as opposition to light, therefore we see it as ‘darkness’. The butterfly is an archetypal image of resurrection in Christianity and this meaning derived from the 3 stages of a butterfly’s life: life, death, resurrection. The emergence of the butterfly from the chrysalis is likened to the soul discarding the flesh. For human to ascend spiritually that would mean sustaining from ‘the pleasures of the flesh’, both in diet and sexuality. Shadow aspect of butterfly involves guilt and shame. That’s why it is significant to connect with the new, reborn body, reconnect with your own flesh. Symbol is ‘eating the body of Christ’, but it also can be expressed in orgasm, in transcending shame of your own body pleasures. That would mean celebration with food too, the feast and sexual pleasure. Because the point of transformed body is to continue living and in order to do so it has to eat and procreate, otherwise butterflies would extinct. The duration of butterfly’s life is very short so identifying with it can cause anxiety and push into hurry to consume too much too fast. We must be aware not to indulge too much. Too much pleasures adds physical and emotional weight so the soul ‘can not fly’. For example, to prepare for astral projections one must go on plant based diet. Many Nebulas are visible due to fluorescence caused by embedded hot stars. Star in Tarot is the 17th Major Arcana card. It is working through good health, spirituality, inspiration, hope, astronomy. That’s why if we want to activate our butterfly like transformation we must focus into these aspects. That’s how we make our ‘Pillars of Creation’ visible (that’s another example from the Eagle Nebula; Eagle being significant spirit animal). The ‘shadow’ is the side of your personality that contains all the parts of yourself that you don’t want to admit having. It is at first an unconscious side. It is only through effort to become self-aware that we recognize our shadow and then can own it and transmute it. That is light code, ‘star’activation.
MATERIALISATION OF INTELLECT. Everything what is not in alignment with the Higher Self must show itself so it could be purged and released. Acceptance is the key to unlock the version of yourself that you already are in the timeless quantum space. Various thought-forms that are looping in the universe can easy attach to us if we allow them and then they can trick us into believing, that they are our own thoughts, in that way distorting our reality. The masters of their own fate are going within themselves and processing all the information that was streaming into their mind all day, not allowing them to decrease their vibrational frequency by not identifying with them. Ask yourself, have I been here before? The Universe is recycling it’s own experience. Fill the void from within, without seeking external comforting. We do not have to repeat the same lessons. In order to expel those harmful thought-forms we first must acknowledge them, make them visible, bring them to the surface, greet them and tell: I see you, you great big monster, thank you for your dance. And let them go.