-two new comixxx
-one new B&W artwork "Baa-Lamb" -waiting for ALKOM'X #6! My 6 artworks in it:] http://eatenbyducks.blogspot.com/2011/12/binding-evil.html -got invitation for contribution to zine: "<...> i am a big fan and follower of the eaten by ducks blog.. i run a noise/experimental label. i am looking to do a zine as one of my releases soon.<...> i am looking for art that is super weird. just abstract, disturbing, psychedelic, or just really odd. i love your style. i've seen your stuff on that blog.if you are interested at all in submitting a piece, that would absolutely wonderful!<...>" http://www.hellorainbowbridge.comhttp://violentthreads.blogspot.comhttp://justinmarclloydelectronics.blogspot.com ...fuck yeah I'm interested!
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_My 2 artworks in VOMITORIVM III !!!
+ HEY YOV FVCKERSSS - - VOMITORIVM III IS CLOSED AND READY TO FVCK YOVR MIND A FVLLY (Víctor Dvnkel - FVCKER DE PRIMERA CATEGORÍA) http://petitcomitedelterror.blogspot.com/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/lespectro http://www.myspace.com/nekropotkin http://www.myspace.com/contadorgeiger http://www.myspace.com/lespectro http://demonodrome.blogspot.com/ + THE MINDFVCKER STRIKES BACK AND FVLLYDEEP - - VOMITORIVM ÜBER ALLES + _My first self-published art-zine >>> "ICANNOTTAKEITOFF" >>> 10 copies, photo-copied on 80g white paper >>> images were used for animation.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- Today I've also joined komiksai.com forum. My introduction in Lithuanian language: Sveiki (ir nelabai) gyvi, Neseniai pradėjau piešti komiksus, pastaruoju metu ypač užsiužsiprisipiešiau, gana didelį vaidmenį šitam PRADĖJIME atliko "Kitokia grafika", dalyvavau jų organizuotoje komiksų parodoje, mano darbai yra "Comics in the Air" parodos kataloge http://kitokiagrafika.lt/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/Comics-Exhibition_low.pdf . Dabar dalyvauju konkurse "Pasaulinės krizės ir revoliucijos" ir apskritai judu ta linkme, kad prisijungti prie "Kitokios grafikos" team'o. Mano komiksų blogas http://redsoreanditchy.blogspot.com/. o bet tačiau >>> mano portfolio, blogas ir etc http://shaltmira.weebly.com/ o dar, aš studijuoju grafiką, VDA, paskutiniai metai, specializacija iliustracija. o dar dar dalyvauju http://eatenbyducks.blogspot.com/, kuris man yra labai svarbus, nes per ten susipažinau su labai respektint vertais kūrėjais ir sugalvojau, kad reikia man pačiai išleisti art-ziną. daugiau apie jį http://shaltmira.weebly.com/art-zine.html. jei viskas klostysis sėkmingai [ČIŪR], jį bus galima pamatyti/paliesti/įsigyti 2012 vasario 23-26, "Vilniaus knygų mugės" metu. Taip pat dalyvauju "Meno duobės" projekte "Kūrybiškumo kioskas", kolkas informacija dar tebeapdorojinimėjinima, hopefully kitų metų pradžioj pasirodys pirmieji rezultatai. +- pagrindiniai dalykai. labai PASTARUOJU METU tik sužinojau apie komiksai.com egzistavimą, nespėta dar nuodugniau perskanuot esanti informacija, bet IT WILL BE DONE. Eglė Shaltmira \m/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Also, today my comixxx were published in i have no teeth comics blog , here! So here it is, my shiny,pink and smelly comixxx blog:
http://redsoreanditchy.blogspot.com/ and, OBVIOUSLY, lots of new comixxx!!!! ---6 of my artworks are confirmed for Alkbazz zine ALKOM'X 6! You can see how looked ALKOM'X 5.
---The presentation of my art zine EXCESSIVE VOYEURISM will take place at Vilnius Book Fair, February 23 -26, 2012. Venue : Lithuanian Exhibition and Congress Centre LITEXPO, Laisves pr. 5, Vilnius, Lithuania. Many thanks to "Kitokia grafika" for this opportunity. [email protected] Website: http://kitokiagrafika.lt/ "Non-profit organization "Kitokia grafika" seeks to spread comics culture in Lithuania (and abroad). We are organizing creative workshops, publishing, comics library, exhibitions." What have I done recently:
--finished and sended two artworks for Vctor Dvnkel's zine VOMITORIVM III --finished cover art for Stranguliatorius first release (tape). ---3 new animations _
---one artwork for Vomitorivm III zine approved; ---one comix for comix contest "Pasaulinės krizės ir revoliucijos" (by VšĮ "Kitokia grafika") sended; ---two artworks for Christmas auction (by LSMU SA) sended (they might release postcards with them); ---three artworks for Meno Duobė sended (they also might release postcards with them); !AND LOTS OF WORKS IN PROGRESS! |
AuthorShaltmira Archives
May 2014