Gegužės 7 d., trečiadienį, 18 val. Pamėnkalnio galerijoje (Pamėnkalnio g. 1) vyks parodos SEZONAS'4 atidarymas. SEZONAS – tai nuo 2011 metų kasmet vykdomas projektas, kuriame pristatomi jaunosios kartos menininkai. Projekto tikslai – ugdyti novatorišką, socialiai aktyvų menininką ir skatinti skirtingose disciplinose kuriančių jaunųjų menininkų bendradarbiavimą. Projekto metu siekiama pažinti Lietuvos meno lauko ypatybes ir pokyčius, analizuoti šiuolaikinio meno istoriją, permąstyti kūrėjo, kuratoriaus ir žiūrovo santykį, skatinti jaunųjų menininkų dalyvavimą, formuojant Lietuvos šiuolaikinio meno kultūrą. Šiais metais vyksiantis ketvirtasis SEZONAS grindžiamas diskusijomis ir polemika, apimančia ROMANTIZMO sąvoką, jos reikšmių eksplotavimą, interpretavimą, pritaikymą XXI a. kultūrinių, socialinių, istorinių įvykių, procesų – tiek vietinių, tiek pasaulinių – kontekstui. Atsiradęs amžių sankirtoje, romantizmas fiksavo revoliucijas, kintantį žemėlapį, pokyčius socialinių klasių viduje, politikoje, žymėjo pažangą moksle, šuolius archeologijoje, migracijoje, kultūrinius mainus, visuomeninę mintį, kritiką, permąstė seksualumą, religiją, etc. Pastebima, kad romantizmas, kaip meninė ir filosofinė kryptis, vėl tampa aktualus XXI a. ir ypač domina jaunuosius menininkus, nes iškelia stiprias emocijas, vaizduotę, laisvę nuo meno kanonų ir maištą prieš socialines konvencijas. Todėl SEZONO'4 dalyviai susivienijo, ieškodami atsakymo į klausimą – koks gi yra šių dienų romantizmas? Ar laikas, kuriame gyvename, mąstome ir kuriame, gali būti įvardintas kaip antiromantizmas, postromantizmas, technoromantizmas? Parodoje dalyvauja: Linas Blažiūnas, Monika Dirsytė, Laura Grybkauskaitė, Algirdas Jakas, Eglė Karpavičiūtė, Monika Požerskytė, Shaltmira, Vidmina Stasiulytė, Isaiah Urken. Parodos organizatorius: Dailininkų sąjungos galerija. Idėjos autorė: Laura Grybkauskaitė. Parodą kuruoja: Dovilė Daunoravičiūtė, Laura Grybkauskaitė. Partneriai: Lietuvos dailininkų sąjunga, Vilniaus dailės akademija, „5 malūnai“, Lietuvos gyventojų genocido ir rezistencijos tyrimo centras. Rėmėjai: Lietuvos kultūros taryba, Grafikos meno centras. Paroda veiks iki gegužės 31 d. Turėjo būti printas SHALTMIROS HERBAS per visą Pamėnkalnio galerijos lango dydį. Tada buvo kalbama net apie du printus, du herbus languose. Tada vidinėse pusėse. Tada galerija staiga sugalvojo, kad mano herbų rodyti negalima, neva pažeidžia Lietuvos įstatymus ir galima nekeliaut į teismą. Tada galvojau, kad nedalyvausiu. Bet parodžiau prinskrynus iš kur tas darbas atsirado. Tokia dokumentacija galerijai patiko ir tiko. -Shaltmira SHALTMIROS PERFORMANSAS / SHALTMIRA'S PERFORMANCE Photos: Marla Singer Photography My performance @ Sezonas '4. Art is considered to be a reflection of an artist. What if artist can't be the real reflection of his works?
1. Ką Jums reiškia romantizmo sąvoka ir kokiame kontekste esate linkę ją vartoti? Romantikas > beviltiškas. Nostalgija. Gyvenimas praeitimi. Sentimentalumas. Koks Jūsų manymu yra šių dienų romantizmas? Nihilistinis. 2. Kuo romantiškas Jūsų kūrinys (-iai), eksponuojamas (-i) SEZONE’4? Balti arkliai dažnai asocijuojami su saulės karieta (kovos/lenktynių/iškilmių vežimu), su kariais - herojais, su vaisingumui (tiek kumelių ir eržių), arba su gelbėtojais nuo pasaulio pabaigos. "Princas ant balto žirgo - idealus vyras, kurio ieško kiekviena moteris." Pasodinau save ant balto žirgo.
KunstKabinet 451 Berlin presents in Barcelona the Ner0blio black zine ! Black Exhibition - live acts -music ∆ many authors will be present with fanzines, posters, books, distro tables, screenprintings and much more! All the obscure authors published in Ner0blio black zine #0, #1, #2, #3 (including me) will be exhibited on the walls of NIU art space in Poblenou Barcelona only for one night! Only for your eyes! Event: Ner0blio # 3 black zine ready to be released ! Veni, vidi, vici! Vakar vyko PIN DIENOS uždarymas ir partyafterparty ir gavau šitą didelį taloną. Tai pasikartosiu dar ir dar: ačiū tiems, kas su manimi, o kitiems - sėkmės! Foto: Rytis Šeškaitis ___________________________________________________________________ Long story short, yesterday I won 3000lt or so to say 868,86Eur in the contest of the best event of PIN DIENA (World Intellectual Property Day is a yearly celebration of IP's role in stimulating innovation and creativity). I did comix exhibition in Vilnius, and people could vote via app & online for the best event. This sweetheart asked if she can take a photo with me during my comix exhibition SKERSAI IŠILGAI (@PIN DIENA, 26 April, Jamaika Vilnius). And then she sent me this! She even wrote my name in a style I would write, haha, and added my artwork on the sides. What can I say...I'm always positively surprised about the diversity of my fans, from cradle to the grave! "SHALTMIRA will be in Berlin directly from Vilnius only for your own eyes pleasure! bringing a lot of creepy black zines, posters, artworks and much more! don´t miss this occasion to meet her and buy your own obscure piece of art! THURSDAY 24.04 at the KUNST KABINET 451! from 7pm as usually free entry and a lot of fun" _______________________________________________________________ sweet as wine and blood memories from Berlin, A NIGHT WITH SHALTMIRA at Kunst Kabinet 451! I'm good at multitasking : heavy drinking and drawing pussies. In November I'm having two exhibitions in Berlin (one at Drop Dead Festival and maybe going to Serbia to do body-art performance and to participate in comics workshop. And just for the record, this is only 20% of plans I have for November.
Brace yourself world, Shaltmira is cuming! Brain: We must prepare for tomorrow night. Pinky: Why? What are we going to do tomorrow night? Brain: The same thing we do every night, Pinky - try to take over the world! ::::::::: "I’ll be doing a presentation at an activist center in Manhattan next Monday as part of a discussion on gender in horror, and I wanted to show a couple of your pieces. Are you down for this?? There’s going to be a really cool dialogue and I wish to show the work of some of the artists that have so far been a part of the zine. This is the event’s page.." ::::::::: POSTIDĖJA "Sveika gyva, Shaltmira.<...> norėtumėm tave pakviesti prisijungti prie mūsų merginų organizuojamos parodos "Postidėja. Atstatomieji darbai" 2013 metais. Prikabinu trumpą parodos aprašą bei planus, o iš tavęs labai norėčiau kuo skubiau gauti atsakymą ką mąstytumei ir ar norėtumei prisijungti?"</...> ::::::::: Vladimir Palibrk here from Elektrika Gallery (Pancevo, Serbia) <...> I wanted to ask you about something, after I saw your profile on Lovecraft House website.. </...>As a matter of fact - I am now preparing a book that will be collection of comics, artworks and illustrations that are inspired by Russian avantgarde literature - I hope that you know at least a bit about works of Danil Harms, Mihail Vvedensky, Velimir Hlebnikov, Andrei Bieliy, Evgeniy Zamyatin, Vladimir Mayakovskiy...? Idea is to deal with absurdity, futurism and mysticism in works of these and some other authors also.. Would you be interested to join this project? /please say YES :)/ I mean, I usually try not to publish same authors in two books in a row, but after reading your text on lovecraft website I just couldn't help it..<...> do you have any idea or information, how much would it cost for you to come to Serbia by plane in October or November? At this moment it is just an idea, but we might write some project to obtain the travel costs and a number of models for body painting, if you are interested. These models would be then present at the opening of another exhibition that we would like to do in that period. Please let me know what you think<...>..landing in Serbia is Nikola Tesla airport in Belgrade." ::::::::: "<...> and congratulation for your stuff. I really like them. After Drop dead festival I would be pleased to invite you for the collective exhibition I am organizing in XLab on 30 Nov., in my galerie in Kreuzberg. <...> I am organizing a collective exhibition dedicated to drawings involving a lot of talented international artists. <...> the title is gonna be Exquisite corpse." ::::::::: "one more thing - my mate I am working closely with have a very respected blog about art/fashion/music called, I told her about you and she would like to do a interview. do you think you'd be up to?" ::::::::: "<...>I am an musician, DJ, founder of monthly party called Bounce! Bounce! here in Prague (mostly trash electro, drumstep, EDM).Part of the concept is also to developed interesting artworks for each month and introduce those artists people who going to party or just simply love the fact we are deeply into that kind of shit. <...> I saw your website and few pieces of yours and I totally fucking love it!I am wondering if there is a chance to convince you to draw something for Bounce! Bounce! If you are interested I can send you a few screen shots of previous postersto take look what this is all about, but I am 100% convinced it's exactly your style! Let me know, I would be absolutely pleased and honored to work with you." -EXCESSIVE VOYEURISM - wicked art zine - is OUT NOW!
-my created portrait of Oskaras Koršunovas here [3rd] - Participating in Art Pit project Creativity Kiosk , HERE is the interview with me: And here my first illustration series in - Fuck Depression - from 1:40 a small part of my body-art performance in Ommen, more videos to come soon. -Just came back from Holland, where spended 17days, participating in Media & Performance Arts Project "Wonderous Stories: from Xenophobia to Amazement" - February 26 visited LAMBIEK- Europe's first and most famous antiquarian comic shop, and gave them RED, SORE and ITCHY #1 as a present. First Lithuanian comics there! ...and yes, I ♥ Amsterdam. Excessive Voyeurism already is printed! Can't wait to come back to Lithuania and to hold it in my arms. My precious... ]:> Meanwhile here, in Holland having pleasure while doing body-art, tomorrow going to Amsterdam to perform. New photos in body-art album.
-Published my first comixxx zine "RED, SORE & ITCHY"
-Participating in project "Wonderous Stories: from Xenophobia to Amazement" 2012,02.10.-02.24 -Doing comix workshop with Marcel Ruijters -two new comixxx
-one new B&W artwork "Baa-Lamb" -waiting for ALKOM'X #6! My 6 artworks in it:] -got invitation for contribution to zine: "<...> i am a big fan and follower of the eaten by ducks blog.. i run a noise/experimental label. i am looking to do a zine as one of my releases soon.<...> i am looking for art that is super weird. just abstract, disturbing, psychedelic, or just really odd. i love your style. i've seen your stuff on that blog.if you are interested at all in submitting a piece, that would absolutely wonderful!<...>" http://www.hellorainbowbridge.comhttp://violentthreads.blogspot.com ...fuck yeah I'm interested! _My 2 artworks in VOMITORIVM III !!!
AuthorShaltmira Archives
May 2014